I am watching an episode of The Bridge, the
Danish-Swedish co-production version, and one of the characters, a young, cool
and ‘entertaining’ columnist, is talking with an older, much less cool, ‘married
with kids’ reporter. The older man has mentioned that he borrowed his
daughter’s CD of a band the young guy was referencing the previous week, listened to it and liked it. The cool guy sneers. The older guy says ‘you liked
them last week’ and the cool guy spits out, ‘and now you like them’. I
immediately think of a screed I have just read from an anonymous CBC producer
objecting to a recent management appointment who, by-the-by, writes about ‘the younger and more creative producers’ and I find
myself living both sides of that teenage dilemma we all had with our parents,
with both sides thinking that the other knew nothing, and that we knew
everything. My whole life I have watched and been part of this divide between
energy and experience, fresh perspectives and a deep appreciation of the
enduring, the surprise of excitement and the serenity of the given. It is only
know that I have come to understand that perhaps there is no real conflict and
that in fact we are all players in a more troublesome game.
We, the media, marketers and planners, have
institutionalized the idea that youth, the new, and the current are the
conditions that truly matter. It is partly a pushback against the remarkable
hold that Baby Boomers are said to have on the economy, society, culture and politics.
At the same time, it is a really complicated set of assumptions that hurt the
young, hurt the aging and devastate the aged. On the one hand, we praise the
innocent and inexperienced, ‘out of the mouths of babes,’ while extolling the
experience and perspective of the elder, ‘commissions of wise people’. When I
was a teen, we didn’t trust anyone over thirty and today we are heading to a
moment when even thirty seems past some imaginary ‘best before date’.
You can see the consequences everywhere. In
workplaces, there is a generational war for resources, attention, benefits and
power. It is a battle that has little to do with quality of work or the larger
needs of either the organization or society. It is about which subgroup gets
to play with the most expensive toys the longest. You see it all around you in
sullen youth, bored adults, crass cynicism and a host of debilitating
‘addictions’ ranging from deadly drugs to soul destroying and mindless forms of
entertainment. Way too many of us feel that we are being denied the opportunity
to be truly useful, vital and valuable either because we are too young or too
old. I know brilliant energetic and deeply creative 80 year olds and dissolute,
apathetic and unimaginative 25 year olds and of course the reverse.
The reality is that at the heart of all this
destructive ageism is a set of assumptions that have little basis in reality
and are largely fueled and maintained by a culture and an economy that
desperately needs, demands even, a never-ending series of changes. The culture
we inhabit of never-ending consumption and constant early obsolescence thrives
on anxiety, psychological dependencies, artificial and real competition as well
as true inequalities and misguided anti-human first principles. The wonder
isn’t that we experience ‘generational conflict’ it is that the generational
conflict doesn’t break out into true terrible violence.
I have no magic bullet for resolving this
conundrum. I am simply committing myself to taking note that living long
doesn’t automatically bestow wisdom, being young isn’t a guarantee of vitality
and innovation and having automatic assumptions about someone based simply on
their age is a prejudice as devastating as any other. P
Age should never be the factor in deciding of one's wisdom or lack thereof. If generosity of actions and kindness of heart being was the gauge, it would for sure change the way we all look at each. Regardless of what number is written on our birth certificate...
ReplyDeleteBeautifully written
Thank you for your thoughtful writing. My uncle had a saying, "Some people live and learn but other people just live." meaning they didn't learn anything (much).